Central Kentucky Cardiology

Ways to Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease

Follow a Heart Healty Diet

Following a few simple rules as laid out in our Healthy Heart Diet section can significantly decrease your chances of developing heart disease. A brief summary follows:

A. Limit intake of trans fats and hydrogenated oils found in margarine, fast food, fried food, etc.
B. Limit refined sugar intake from cakes, cookies, candy, etc.
C. Use extra virgin olive oil and garlic in cooking - they can lower cholesterol
D. Add Omega 3 Fatty Acids to your diet - the best source is Fish Oil

Exercise Regularly

Developing a steady exercise program as described in our Exercise for Healthy Heart section can also lower your risk of heart disease. A few quick tips:

A. Try to exercise 3-4 times per week, for at least a half hour at a time.
B. Keep your routine going, and start off slow.
C. Always stretch before and after training.
D. Keep yourself hydrated and rest between sets.

Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

In addition to following a healthy diet and exercise regimen, you should also try to do the following:

A. Stop smoking and avoid second hand smoke - both are major causes of heart disease.
B. Limit your intake of alcohol - excessive alcohol can deplete your body's supply of vitamins and other nutrients.
C. Try to reduce stress and anxiety - they can lead to high blood pressure and other health conditions.
D. Keep your weight within recommended limits - obesity is a leading cause of heart disease.

Keep Tabs On The (4) Blood Indicators of Developing Heart Disease

Make sure you get tested for increased cholesterol, triglycerides(fat), homocysteine and C Reactive Protein levels, and follow the protocols if any one of these indicators is elevated:

A. If your cholesterol is high, you can lower cholesterol naturally with policosanol, guggulipid and other herbal extracts as well as Fish Oil. Remember, only 20% of your cholesterol comes from what you eat, the other 80% is manufactured by your liver.
B. If your triglyceride (fat) levels are too high, lower your carbohydrate and sugar intake. Also, fish oil, Vitamin C, guggulipid and green tea are safe natural ways to lower triglyceride levels.
C. If your homocysteine levels are high, you can easily normalize the situation by including B Vitamins in your diet, particularly Folic Acid, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12.
D. If your C Reactive Protein levels are high, this indicates inflammation in the blood. Fish oil, ginger and MSM will help decrease inflammation naturally.

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